
Let’s thrive in community for 2021

I hope you had a wonderful break over Christmas and a happy new year to you!

I know it probably sounds a bit ‘blah’ to say that as you’re probably facing many challenges, both financially and emotionally.  But I’d love to support you if I can.

In 2020, I started a small community to give support to creatives who wanted help to focus and get important projects done.  It was incredibly uplifting and we ended the year with a celebration of the creative work we’d all achieved, despite the challenges faced.  It was an inspiring session, with piano recitals, art projects and poetry.

I’m continuing with this programme this year – which is both a community to get support and a space to learn new skills.

My goal is to open up the opportunity for more creatives to join and get support in the new few months.

An invitation to thrive…

If you’re curious and would like to find out more, I’m hosting a free masterclass/ information session to give you a flavour:

Thursday 7th January at 4 pm called ‘New Year, New Adventures’. 

The training is about developing resilience, being braver and stepping into this new year with a mindset of clarity and determination to make something good out of the crisis that we are in.

The session will also be a launchpad for the membership community and it will be a chance to find out a bit more about how it could support you in the new few months.

How to join

To join the masterclass, please email me at nicky@nickymoran  and I will send you a link to join.

If you can’t make it live – then send me an email with ‘send me a recording’ and I will do just that.

Please share this page and invite other people, then please send them the link to join.

All the best


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