
The Unlikely Route to Long-Term Career Fulfilment

Hello there,


You may have seen that I’m doing a workshop on Thursday July 6th for creatives who want to learn how to do their own PR and marketing.

If you’re tempted to come but not sure if it’s for you, then I’d love to offer you a few thoughts.

Firstly, I’ve extended the early bird price to this Thursday. You can save £22 if you book by the end of tomorrow.

If you would like to come to our workshop on July 6th, make sure you grab an early bird ticket.

Buy a ticket here: The Brass Tacks of Trailblazing  PR on July 6th.

Also, if you’re wondering if PR is relevant to you, then I’d like to try and convince you why it’s the most important route towards fulfilment in the long term.

You’re a freelancer. You make your own work for pleasure but it’s not paying the bills. Why would you invest time and money in PR? Here are five reasons why you should:

  1. Even if you’re a freelancer, if you’re creative, you probably crave doing more of your own projects. Most of the clients I work with make money to pay the bills and have a dream of doing more of their own personal work. This workshop is about helping you develop a sense of what your own work stands for and learning how to get more recognition for doing what you love. When people are aware of your personal projects, then this can help you define your style or niche as a creative person and lead to getting better quality freelance jobs.
  1. If you can get yourself featured in a newspaper or other mainstream media outlet then you will be perceived as someone who is successful. When people’s perception of you goes up, then you will be seen as more valuable. This is when you can begin to charge more for your time.
  1. PR is about learning how to communicate your value through clarity and stories to others. I remember working with a photographer who struggled to get an agent. Once he got better at telling stories about his work, he started to attract lots of different agents who offered him a place on their books.
  1. PR is about great communication – being clear about what you stand for and who you want to work with. You can use PR skills to get media coverage as well as tell people about your personal work.
  1. The skills you will learn will help you pitch in many situations. Pitching for grants, getting interest in exhibitions or pitching for jobs. Pitching is basically PR, and PR is about communicating who you are and why people should pay for your skills. The better you are at doing this, the more likely you are to get the work that you love.

If you would like to come to our workshop on July 6th, make sure you grab an early bird ticket.

Buy a ticket here: The Brass Tacks of Trailblazing  PR on July 6th.


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