
Your Invitation to a free storytelling training this Thursday

If you’re free on Thursday, I’d love to invite you to a free training I’m running on storytelling to help you sell more of your creative work and raise your profile.

It’s happening this coming Thursday 10th May at 1pm BST and will also be recorded if you cannot make it live. To gain access, register on the link below. 


What we will cover on the call:

  • How to use storytelling to attract the kind of work that you most desire.
  • Five common mistakes that creatives make and how to manage your career to reach your full potential.
  • How to develop a brand story and why this is vital for building your profile.
  • The one question that will help you tell a story to attract clients instantly.
  • How to attract media interest in you and your work.

This is ideal for you if you’re a creative person who is ready to shift your career or business to a new level. Our goal is to help more creatives realise their full potential and learn how to do their own PR. Storytelling is the best way to attract media attention, new clients and more of the work you love.

This one-hour session is a taster for our ‘Storytelling for Self-Promotion’ online programme that kicks off at the end of May.

Here’s my self-promotion story:

Seven years ago, my career had become really stale. I’d said yes to well-paid training jobs to fund a steep London mortgage and ensure I could pay my bills.

The problem was that, in my creative heart, I knew there was so much more that I wanted to achieve. I had so much energy, passion and drive that I felt was being wasted on projects I didn’t fully care about. I was desperate to change my career direction and realised that the only way to do that was to create my own projects and learn how to share my work through my own self-promotion.

I launched my own company – Nicky Moran Coaching – a few months later, to serve the creative community that I cared about so deeply. The first few years were challenging. I knew I had to promote myself through blogging, videos and social media but every fibre of my being felt resistant. Self-promotion felt pushy, glory seeking and I found it deeply uncomfortable to be in the spotlight.

However, I persevered, because I noticed that the clients I attracted were wonderful. I began to love my work, I felt exhilarated every time I attracted a new client and loved coaching creative people who were often going through the same issues that I’d experienced. My own career began to become fulfilling.

Three years ago I met Bev, a former journalist and storytelling expert. I knew instantly that Bev’s storytelling skills were the key to helping me and my clients promote themselves without feeling like salespeople.

Bev and I have joined forces to put together a methodology of teaching storytelling as a way of promoting yourself in way that feels natural and creative.

I have found that telling stories has deepened my connection with my clients and my audience. It has allowed me to put myself in the public eye and to feel authentic rather than pushy.

It has also been the one skill I’ve taught my clients that has tangibly helped them to land an agent, get media coverage and ultimately shifted their careers to a different level.

I really believe that storytelling is the most important skill to learn if you want to create a business or a career that you love.

So if you make it live or watch the replay before midnight BST on Thursday, not only will you gain inspiration on how to revitalise your communication to attract more people, you also will gain access to a special offer to join our programme with a generous bonus.

Click on the link below to register and see you there!


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