
Follow your bliss – Interview with Julie Howell, Creative Director

Last year, I interviewed over 20 successful creatives for a book I’m writing to understand what creates success.  I’ve decided to share some of my favourite interviews and this is one of the first that I did.

The artist featured is called Julie Howell and she is a creative director who specialises in doing imaginative set designs for the world of interiors.  She works with the elite and is well known for her outrageous and bold designs, including an island that she wrapped in red silk. 

She is a wonderful, warm person, with a lot of humility and a great sense of humour.

What stood out for me was Julie’s passion for her work and absolute integrity.  She has never approached marketing or promotions, she simply focuses on exploring opportunities that excite her and she has built up a reputation for the standard of the work she does.

She followed her passion from an early age, works through the night to get any job done and she has mastered the art of ‘painting pictures’ to her clients when communicating an idea, rather than relying on showing a mock up on a computer.

Enjoy! Click here to get the interview:  julie howell interview

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