
What motivates you? Answer one vital question to find out


So why do you do what you do?

In my experience of coaching creatives over five years, I’ve discovered that the answer to this question can explain whether you will feel motivated, fulfilled and thrive in the long term or whether you are likely to procrastinate and not make progress.

Clients who are connected to something deeper and purposeful always end up following through on projects and staying the course.

Building a business or creative career can be one of the biggest challenges you will ever face, but once you find out the deeper purpose for your work, you will begin to have the success and fulfillment that you desire.

Recently, I was interviewed by entrepreneur coach Karen Kalis for the series, Savvy Solopreneur: How to Discover Your Purpose, Find Your Passion and Define Your Niche So You Can Create a Business and Life You Love.  This series will give you concrete, real strategies that will answer the questions that have plagued you and help you to take your business to the next level.

During Savvy Solopreneur, you will get:

  • Expert tips from solopreneurs who know how to take a successful business to the next level.
  • Information on marketing, choosing a niche, finding your purpose, social media and more.
  • FREE product giveaways!

More than twenty solopreneur experts joined in on this effort. Along with me, they are thought leaders in their respective fields and they will reveal exactly what you need to do to define your niche, find your passion and take your business to the next level.

The event is absolutely FREE for you. Just CLICK HERE NOW to get access to this information.

Finally  – I would love to know ‘why you do what you do?’

Tell me one thing that is really important for you below in terms of your business and career so I can celebrate your success!

To your success

Nicky x


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3 responses

  1. A gold nugget here, hitting the nail on the head. But devining the way down to it when you have much history, choices, shoulds, options & complexity is the hard bit.

    1. Hi Graham. Yes, it’s a deep process and learning to find a deeper sense of purpose takes time to evolve. The answers come with self honesty and learn to listen to your feelings. Nicky

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